
ICWL attendees have the option to register at Full/Author, Doctoral Consortium or Student rates. Registration also allows you to attend all SETE sessions.

Each paper needs at least one author to be registered at the Author rate. Registering as an Author only entitles you to present one paper so if you are presenting multiple papers you need multiple registrations. For example, if you had two papers accepted and are planning to present both then you need to register twice.

Authors must register on or before 25 May 2018     1 June 2018 for their paper to appear at ICWL.

Attendees chosen to present at the Doctoral Consortium enjoy a reduced rate.

Students who wish to attend can register at the discounted student rate (but this rate does not include reception and banquet dinner). An author registered as a student can present a paper if at least one of their co-authors have registered at the Full/Author rate for the paper.

To register please go to Registration Link

Personal invitation letters will only be issued to registered participants. Once registered, send your request to and include all of the following details: full name, nationality/travel document number, work title/position, place of work/institution and address you wish to appear in the letter.

All prices listed in Thai Baht.

Type Deadline Fee (THB)
ICWL Author 25 May 2018     1 June 2018 17,500
SETE Author 30 June 2018 17,500
Full (Early) 30 June 2018 17,500
Full (Normal) 30 July 2018 20,000
Full (Late) 15 August 2018 26,000
Doctoral Consortium (Early) 15 June 2018 12,000
Doctoral Consortium (Normal) 30 July 2018 15,000
Doctoral Consortium (Late) 15 August 2018 22,000
Student (Early) 30 June 2018 10,500
Student (Normal) 30 July 2018 14,000
Student (Late) 15 August 2018 20,000
Extra Proceedings At time of your registration 2,000
Extra Page At time of your registration 1,700
Extra Banquet At time of your registration 1,000
Extra Reception At time of your registration 700
** 31.19 Thai Baht = 1 US Dollar